Settlement Updates

Reasons for Approval of the Settlement

Following the order approving the settlement in December, 2023, Justice Pamel of the Federal Court released his reasons for the approval which can be read here.

Notice of Settlement Issued

On May 21, 2024, the Notice of Settlement was issued. A copy of the Notice of Settlement can be found here.

Copies in Oji-Cree, Mi’kmaq, Dene, Inuktitut, Atikamekw, Anishinaabemowin, Cree and Innu can be found on the Court Documents page.

Implementation Date Set

Class members will have until Monday July 22 2024 to opt-out of the Class Action.

The claims process will open on Wednesday August 21 2024.

Class Action Pending Implementation

Although the Settlement Agreement has been approved by the Court, the claims process is not yet open, and the implementation date has not yet been set. We will provide further information about the claims process as it becomes available. 

Settlement Agreement Approved 

On December 11, 2023, the Federal Court approved the Settlement Agreement presented in September 2023. Reasons are to follow and will be provided by Justice Pamel at a later date. 

Claims Administrator Appointed 

On October 3, 2023, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. was appointed as the Claims Administrator. 

Settlement Approval Hearing 

On September 12, 13, and 14, 2023, the Federal Court held a Settlement Approval Hearing.

The court hearing to consider the fairness of the proposed Settlement Agreement proceeded as scheduled on September 12 to 14, 2023 in the Federal Court of Canada in Vancouver before Justice Pamel. The plaintiffs presented evidence in support of the Settlement Agreement. For the settlement to go ahead, it must be approved by the court as fair and reasonable. At the end of the hearing, Justice Pamel indicated he would review the evidence before giving his decision.

Settlement Agreement Reached 

On June 15, 2023, a Settlement Agreement was reached, including $10,000 in compensation for those placed in boarding homes between September 1, 1951, and June 30, 1992, and additional compensation of up to $200,000 in cases of abuse. 

Settlement Agreement in Principle Reached

On December 7, 2022, the parties reached an Agreement in Principle to settle the case. 

Class Action Certified

On June 28, 2019, the Federal Court certified the Indian Boarding Homes lawsuit as a class proceeding. 

Class Action Commenced

On July 24, 2018, Reginald Percival et al v. His Majesty the King (T-1417-18) (“Percival”) commenced when the Statement of Claim was filed in Federal Court.